The transmutation of Love.
“May 29, 1914
O MY sweet Lord, those who are in Thy head, that is, to speak more intellectually, those who have identified their consciousness with the absolute Consciousness, those who have become Thy supreme Knowledge, can no longer have any love for Thee, since they are Thyself. They enjoy that infinite bliss characteristic of all awareness of Thy supreme Essence, but the devotion of the adorer who turns with ecstasy to that which is higher and above him can no longer exist. So, to him whose mission upon earth is to manifest Thy love, Thou teachest to have this pure and infinite love for all the manifested universe; the love which at first was made of adoration and admiration is transformed into a love all made of compassion and devotedness.
Oh, the divine splendour of Thy eternal Unity!
Oh, the infinite sweetness of Thy Beatitude!
Oh, the sovereign majesty of Thy Knowledge!
Thou art the Inconceivable, the Marvellous One!”
These two prayers show us the truth of the Divine Presence everywhere.
This prayer reveals to us the nature of the Supreme Reality.
This prayer reveals to us the feeling of need for the Divine that leads one straight to the goal without any complexities and perplexities.